Swaged Wire Rope Socket Assemblies
Swaged sockets are mechanically pressed using precision dies. With the correct socket and fabrication, swaged sockets retain 100% of the wire rope’s strength. Normally, only 1 regular lay is used. Swaged assemblies are interchangeable with poured spelter sockets up through 2” rope diameters. Assembly length is measured from centerline of pins for both open and closed

*All swaged socket asemblies are proof tested upon completion and certificates will accompany finished products.

Rated Capacity shown apply only to 6x19 and 6x37 EIP IWRC class wire rope.
Mobile Load Testing Services and Inspections
We offer inspections and mobile proof test services for product verification, break testing, and load testing to ensure compliance for all wire rope slings we sell and repair. Our mobile proof test services are available throughout the United States. In addition to our mobile load testing services we have stationary test beds to service Oklahoma, Texas, Kansas, Wyoming, North Dakota, New Mexico and all surrounding areas.