Breaking Strengths
Note: The maximum CAPACITY, WORKING LOAD LIMIT (WLL), or LINE PULL of the rope usually is 1/5 of the below stated values. For specic information consult the standards applicable to your rope application.

Non-Rotating Steel Wire Rope, Python Compac 35 Euro Style - Lang’s Lay
Class & Construction: 35 x 7 die-drawn strands (up to 42 mm / 1 - 5/8”) 35 x 19 die-drawn strnads (over 44 mm / 1 - 3/4” and up)
Recommended to be used on tower-, european type mobile-, and oshore cranes. Available in left- and right hand lang’s lay construction. Recommended if you require a rope for single line hoisting applications.
Due to reduced diameter tolerance to between +2% to +4% it conforms to the tight LEBUS drum specication
ALLOWED to be used with a swivel.